Our team provides expert house washing services to help you keep your home looking great.
We at Elite Clean know that you care about your home, and we want to help you take good care of it. In order to maintain your home, there are many tasks you will need to take care of, and one of those tasks is cleaning the exterior. Fortunately, our experts are here to help you cross that task off your list with our house washing services. We will pressure wash your home to remove all traces of dirt and grime, making your exterior look like new.
Pressure washing is a method of exterior cleaning that uses high-powered jets of water to remove dirt, and it is one of the most consistently popular methods for the task. By removing the dirt and grime from your exterior, our team will not only keep your home looking immaculate, but we will also help prevent damage. When dirt particles are allowed to linger on a surface, they create friction that causes the material to wear away over time. Our house washing services are designed to get rid of those particles and protect your exterior from wear and tear. If you want to know more about our house washing services, we encourage you to reach out to our experts directly.
Check out our incredible Before and After results!

Our team is proud to serve the Winston-Salem, North Carolina community, and we want to help you do what’s best for your home. If you are interested in our house washing services, just give us a call to get our experts on the job.
At Elite Clean, we proudly offer house washing services to customers in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Clemmons, Lewisville, Kernersville, Lexington, Advance, Bermuda Run, Pfafftown, and Walkertown, North Carolina.