Our team offers thorough roof soft washing services to help you keep your roof in peak condition.
Here at Elite Clean, we have extensive experience in the cleaning industry, and we provide a wide range of interior and exterior cleaning services. For most exterior cleaning projects, we prefer to use pressure washing, but we also recognize that standard pressure washing is not always the best choice for all applications. When it comes to roof washing, for example, high water pressure is not always ideal, which is why our team offers both standard pressure washing and soft washing services for your roof. In this article, we will provide more information about our roof soft washing services, so you can decide if they are right for your needs.
The main difference between roof soft washing and standard pressure washing is the water pressure involved—the pressure setting for standard pressure washing is usually between 1,000 and 3,000 PSI, while the pressure setting for soft washing usually doesn’t exceed 100 PSI. The other difference between the two methods is that in roof soft washing, the roof is first treated with specialized, bio-degradable cleaning solutions that loosen the dirt and grime to make it easier to remove. The cleaning agents also eliminate mold, mildew, algae, and other contaminants. Once the cleaning solutions have done their job, our technicians spray the roof with gentle water pressure to wash everything away.
Check out our incredible Before and After results!

Our team is proud to be part of the community here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and we want to help you keep your property in great condition. If you are interested in our roof soft washing services, we encourage you to give us a call to schedule an appointment.
At Elite Clean, we proudly offer roof soft washing services to customers in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Clemmons, Lewisville, Kernersville, Lexington, Advance, Bermuda Run, Pfafftown, and Walkertown, North Carolina.